Business, Finance & Strategy

Chelle Honiker In 2019, actor Henry Cavill brought monster slayer Geralt of Rivia to life in the series adaptation of The Witcher on Netflix. Thus, a new segment of fans was introduced to the elements of Andrzej Sapkowski’s world from the novels: the Continent, its fantastical monsters, and its beloved characters.  Originally begun as short […]

Writing a book with another author can be like getting married. You have to settle multiple legalities and sign contracts before the writing even begins. Because this decision is so important, you must choose the right partner. Pairing up to complete a project with someone who’s an ill fit can prove to be more than […]

Nearly all writers want to make new author friends and boost their book marketing. One great way to do this is by writing for an anthology. But you should be aware of possible pitfalls before you take part, and it’s best to have a plan. Defining an Anthology An anthology is a book containing a […]

You’ve no doubt heard the truism, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” But if you’re a nonfiction author still selling on only one platform, your income eggs are tightly packed into one container. You can make money in a myriad of ways from your nonfiction backlist. Create multiple streams of income for yourself, […]

Author Mariel Pomeroy left a cautionary message for readers of her debut novel that is hard to miss. It’s printed on its own page in the front of the book just after the copyright. She also included it in the book’s product description and in her social media posts advertising the novel. A general statement […]

When it comes to press releases, I’ve worked on both sides of the writing desk. I’ve stared at the same blank page that other authors—or editorial interns, in my case—have tried to craft into an interest-grabbing announcement, just like I’ve sorted through stacks of those announcements in my email inbox to find the ones worth […]

An ARC (Advance Reader or Review Copy) team is a valuable tool in an indie author’s arsenal. An engaged ARC team can help you build momentum with solid reviews on launch as well as help with marketing. If your early readers like your book, they might also post about it on social media. Free word […]

You’ve likely heard that building your email list is an important part of marketing your books. If you have a large list of raving, highly engaged fans who can’t wait to read your next book, then you have a great chance of selling lots of copies of your new release with just a few simple […]

My dear friends greeted me at the door of their home, sat me down, placed a tablet in my hands, and pressed play. I got the e-book A Year of Sanderson. Bill, my husband, saw it later that night. He rolled his eyes at Sanderson’s heart-wrenching words of regret and declared that he wrote another […]

Loads of articles compare the pros and cons of images or plain text in email newsletters.  Let’s cut to the chase: They both have their pros and cons. Chances are also good that no single article will sway you one way or the other if you’re fixed in your ways and you have your reasons […]

I’m about to give the editors of this fine journal a headache. When they gave me the assignment of writing about growth in the Indie Publishing industry, my first thought was “this is a massive subject.” The second thought was “I’m gonna need to put ‘growth’ in quotation marks.”  Indie authors didn’t just appear on […]

You’ve finished your novel, published it, received rave reviews, and sold lots of copies, and now you want something more for your story. You can see your characters on the big or little screen, living out the words you wrote and entertaining those who may not otherwise know of your book. You aren’t sure where […]

A character death. A final goodbye. A heartfelt reunion. The end of a journey. It doesn’t necessarily matter the specific plot points that elicit the emotion nor is genre or artistic medium all that important. But scroll through recommendations on BookTok or consider the moments from a favorite series that have stuck with you the […]

Considerations for the Translation Question As indie authors expand their businesses, they are pushing the boundaries into new languages. While this is a great path forward, full of exciting possibilities, some issues arise when you don’t speak the language you want your books to be published in. We’re covering finding your translation team and marketing […]

Ghostwriters are a key part of the process for many authors. They provide a valuable service to help their clients produce books for various reasons. An older person who has lived an interesting life may hire a ghostwriter to interview them and compile their memoir for their friends and family to enjoy long after they’re […]

In 1984, the first Terminator film thrilled audiences, and we were introduced to SKYNET, the network of supercomputers powering the world, described by one character as “hooked into everything, trusted to run it all … a new order of intelligence.” Back then, the concept of email was still somewhat fantastical, and the idea that homes […]

Draft2Digital is acquiring Smashwords later this year. Here’s what that means for their authors. The shocking news heard ’round the world Tuesday might just be the start of an indie publishing revolution—that is, if Mark Coker and Kris Austin have anything to say about it. Early last week, the duo surprised authors and publishers alike […]

Sometimes the best books are the ones we don’t read.  That’s not necessarily referring to those books we leave languishing in our to-be-read piles though those deserve plenty of love and recognition as well. No, there’s just something nostalgic about having a story told to you rather than reading it yourself. Perhaps it’s the memories […]

A Vision from within the Infancy of Crypto Publishing *** What Are NFT Books? I can’t tell you for sure. Not yet. What I can do is speculate on what NFT books might become.  The scenarios described in this article are realistic expectations based on existing technologies and the work being done to create the […]

If you want to sell books, don’t wait and hope that people will magically find you among 4.54 billion internet users. You need a way to cut through the noise, grab their attention, and generate sales.  People talk about having an author platform, but it can feel like an abstract concept. The internet tells you […]

Elaine Bateman Could rapidly releasing your books be the fastest way to financial success? Well, it might be one of them. What is “rapid release?” The rapid release strategy is to publish each book quickly enough that the previous book in your series is still in its launch window, allowing you to take advantage of […]

Getting the Word Out About Your Book Emilia Zeeland We’ve all been there. Exhausted, over-caffeinated, and anxious about our next launch, wondering how to not just attract attention to our new release, but also turn that initial buzz into a ravenous fandom. Regardless of whether you are preparing a launch every year or every month, […]

Why Wide Authors Need A Custom Launch Plan Laurel Decher Book launch plans are all over the internet, including the twelve in my “Read Later” folder. They are fun to look at but can be dangerous for your author business. You want your book to blast off into a fuel-efficient orbit and find more readers […]

A Recap of the 20Books Vegas 2021 Conference In November 2021, roughly sixteen hundred authors descended upon Las Vegas to attend the annual 20Booksto50K® conference. Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel hosted the event for the first time, the increased number of attendees showcasing the growing popularity of the conference. It also marked the return of the […]

Angela Archer Book reviews are an important part of your marketing strategy in terms of building credibility. The social proof that people are reading and enjoying your book can lead to more sales. And more sales leads to more visibility, which again leads to more sales—and more reviews. Reviews are important for a number of […]

Whether you’re an author with fifty books or five, the legacy you leave behind when you die needs to be protected. Whilst none of us want to sit down and think about our own demise, neither do we want our heirs to have difficulties with our estate. It’s about practicalities, and safeguarding your legacy is […]

Indie Author Magazine introduces a new section this month with the addition of INSIDER INSIGHTS. We welcome Joe Solari, noted business expert as our inaugural contributor. Submissions are open on our website at Insider. If you’re an author who has published enough books to know that you have a readership and earn nearly enough or […]

When you hear the term “Outsourcing,” what comes to mind? You are most likely familiar with the concept of hiring external talent for editing and cover design. For most indie authors, that’s as far as they go. Partly because at the beginning of their author journey, they will likely bootstrap their careers. Money is scarce, […]

As your author business grows, it becomes more complex. In addition to books, maybe you’ve added a class, or merchandise, or make appearances and sell books at events. Making sure you have somewhere to accurately record all of your income and expenses will simplify your life come tax time. Needing a tool for my own […]

How to get your books into libraries Imagine a kingdom where books are traded like currency. The wealthiest are voracious readers who never reach the end of their TBR piles. It’s protected by wizards who teleport their patrons to distant fantastical worlds. In this realm, the castle at the center isn’t a myth, it’s a […]

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