Business, Finance & Strategy

The Money-Managing Instruments to Master for Your Business to Take to the Skies  The Force is strong in indie authors! Given a single worst-case scenario, we can probably spin up a story world in the throes of conflict. Unfortunately, that same imaginative bias can wreak more havoc on your business than a sandcrawler swarming with […]

As authors, creative freedom and administrative responsibilities can sometimes feel like they’re at odds with each other, and understanding the publishing industry can pose a challenge to even the most strategy-savvy authors. But there’s no need to figure it out alone. In his new quarterly column, Managing Director of Author Nation and business expert Joe […]

Wendy Van Camp I did not go out to find podcasts as an author. Strangely enough, podcasts found me.  During the early months of the 2020 pandemic, I was facing the loss of many in-person appearances and book fairs. Out of the blue, some of my writer friends invited me to join their podcast since […]

Cybersecurity Tips to Avoid Scams Targeting Your Author Business Scams became much more prevalent with the widespread use of the internet, and as perpetrators grow more sophisticated and continue to update their tactics, it’s no longer just the technologically un-savvy who are falling victim. Cybersecurity professionals categorize many of these scams with the term “phishing,” […]

Do Authors’ Ideal Pricing Strategies Vary by the Genre They Write? Most pricing strategists tell indie authors to write in a genre that sells well and price competitively. But for new authors and those switching genres, choosing how to price your book may not feel that simple. Factors like publishing goals, format, email list size, […]

Tax season is rapidly approaching for those of us in the US, and whether you’re full-time or just starting to see sales, if you made money from your books last year, it has the potential to be complicated. Although we’re not qualified to give direct financial advice regarding paying taxes as an indie author, IAM […]

Four Direct Sales Platforms to Match Your Business Needs Jenn Lessmann The “Rumours” are true. Indie authors can earn more revenue and drive better engagement through direct sales. And as indie authors increasingly look to expand their reach through wide publication, it makes sense to consider following Fleetwood Mac’s call to “go your own way.” […]

The Nuance that’s Sometimes Lost in the Traditional or Indie Debate Tanya Nellestein Authors, take your corners! It’s the indie-versus-trad knock-out round. In the indie corner are the authors with complete creative control, slaves to no master, with the freedom to chart their own course. In the trad corner are the authors with editorial and […]

As small business owners, indie authors deal with a lot of contracts—both those we need to sign and, in some cases, those we create. Whether it’s a collaboration with a coauthor, hiring an editor or cover designer, or tied to an event you’re planning to attend, contracts are a vital part of our professional journey. […]

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Mark is a writer, editor, professional speaker, and bookseller with more than thirty years of experience in the book industry as a writer and industry professional. A huge advocate for how technology can further empower authors, Mark has been lucky to be at the helm of bookselling as is transitioned from a print-only game to one that embraced digital publishing. He is the author of more than forty books both indie published and traditionally published. But more than all of that he is primarily a passionate storyteller and book nerd.

Hey guys, what's up? My name's Ines. I'm a television producer/writer turned romance novelist. My path to becoming a full time author wasn't a smooth one. After pulling in an annual income of three and four figure royalties for years, and suffering through low or no reviews, as well as lackluster sell-through from book to book, I finally figured out what readers wanted. Now I teach fiction authors how to write more bingeworthy books using pacing techniques from episodic television structure. Unlike other plotting courses, the Page Turner Pacing course helps writers craft their own plotting system that's tailored to their subgenre, so that they can increase sales by giving their specific readers the compelling, quality stories they crave in a timely manner.

For a career that is often portrayed as a lonely endeavor—one in which the author sits at their desk late into the night, a cup of coffee (or something stronger) beside them as they feverishly tap away at a keyboard or scratch pen against paper—writing rarely seems to be a solo act. Author coaches, editors, […]

Over the years, we’ve seen adaptations in how books have been categorized. The changes have been prompted by libraries, publishers, and bookstores and were put in place to make it easier for booksellers and readers to navigate the extensive, ever-growing catalog of books available. Think about walking into a bookstore and wanting to find a […]

There’s no feeling quite like the elation of delivering your manuscript to someone excited to read it. You’ve poured hours, months, and sometimes years into your work, and now it’s ready for the eyes of your beta, advanced reader copy (ARC), or review crew. Unfortunately, plenty of authors also understand the dread and disappointment of […]

Developmental Editor or Beta Readers—Which Path Is Right for Your Story? After several months or even years of research, interviews, and mastering the art of adept wordsmithery, you’ve finally finished your manuscript. You have cleared the skillful craft and creation hurdles and now face the challenge of polishing your masterpiece and introducing it to the […]

A Year after TikTok Users Exploited Amazon’s E-Book Returns Policy, What’s Been Done to Protect Indie Authors? In June of last year, a TikTok trend that showed viewers a “life hack” for getting free books from Amazon caused a major stir in the indie author world. The impact and response were equally quick, with indie […]

Breaking Down the Complicated Lingo of Image Licensing Note: The information provided here is not legal advice and should not be taken as such. It is meant for general education purposes only. Furthermore, these definitions are always subject to change; be sure to do your research and consult legal professionals if you have specific questions. […]

What author doesn’t dream of becoming a millionaire? Every writer wishes to have a tremendous income straight from their books, along with thousands of adoring readers. The mountain it takes to achieve such a pinnacle, however, can seem long and daunting, especially to authors who struggle to sell single copies of their title. These elusive […]

Creating an Author Value Statement for the New Year Every year, people around the world make grand plans for lifestyle makeovers that are sure to bring them closer to their dreams. Six months in, more than half of the people who make a resolution will have given it up, according to a Discover Happy Habits.  […]

It’s a brand new year and, if you haven’t done it already, it’s a great time to make a plan for your author business. If you’re a plotter, you probably already know plenty of planning methods like the back of your heart for outlining your novel, from Save the Cat to the Snowflake Method. But […]

Children’s author, Marti Dumas ( is an indie publisher who started her career with a clear mission: to provide specific books for specific readers. In some ways, her mission hasn’t changed at all. When her six-year-old ran out of books and started taking Jonathan Swift off the family bookcase, Dumas decided to write an age-appropriate […]

For the indie author community, 2022 has undoubtedly been a year for the books. In February, Draft2Digital announced the acquisition of Smashwords, bringing two of the largest independent distributors of self-published books together under one name. Less than a month later, Sci-Fi and Fantasy author Brandon Sanderson made history with a Kickstarter project that earned […]

Are you an author who likes to volunteer your time for a good cause, find mentors, learn from your peers, or learn by doing? By organizing an anthology for your target audience, you can not only build your publishing skills and the audience for your books but also share the voices of other authors with […]

Achieving bestseller status is a dream many indie authors feel inspired to pursue. Gaining a bestseller title from prestigious publications such as Wall Street Journal or USA TODAY not only gives an author an accolade for their title, but it can also change the path of their career. However, the process of earning the title […]

It’s almost the end of another year and time once more for setting intentions for the future. But don’t reach for a soapbox about New Year’s resolutions or dust off your schemes for world domination just yet. However well you think these goals work in your personal life, the new year can also be the […]

Some see attaining bestseller status as a pinnacle of author success. Whether for the publicity it can provide for their work or the sense of achievement it can bring on a more personal level, nearly every author dreams of one day having their title immortalized on one of the most prestigious lists known to publishing. […]

How to Prepare for Your First Signing Event as an Author There’s nothing quite as exhilarating as readers flowing through an event, stopping at your booth or table, asking questions about your books, and exchanging money for an autographed copy. Although ads, marketing, and social media are all useful tools in your marketing belt, book […]

What You Need to Know about Starting Your Own Company Joe Solari I recently was working with an author on a project to refresh her brand and organize her business. In addition to a fresh start, she wanted to separate her business from her personal assets for the rebranding. Sure, she could have done all […]

When the Royalties Roll in, Here’s How Indie Authors Can Budget for the Future Nicole Schroeder June 2022 was a record-setting month for the United States economy—and not in the way anyone was hoping. A combination of factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and continuing supply-chain shortages, drove the country’s inflation rate […]

Lasairiona McMaster Indie authors face numerous challenges: the ever-changing landscape of social media platforms, suppressed visibility, the constant battle to get your books in front of readers’ faces, marketing woes, and more. How can you tell whether you’re making any progress in your career? When it comes to the business side of publishing, hitting monetary […]

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