Issue #16 – August 2022

Nearly all writers want to make new author friends and boost their book marketing. One great way to do this is by writing for an anthology. But you should be aware of possible pitfalls before you take part, and it’s best to have a plan. Defining an Anthology An anthology is a book containing a […]

I want to write a Fantasy series, and I love Tolkien’s world-building with various cultures, geographies, and even languages. But I feel like I’m getting completely bogged down in world-building and wonder if I’m making parts of my world that aren’t even important. How do I know how much world-building to do for a rich […]

We love being authors, but sometimes we can’t or don’t want to be click-clacking on keys for hours day after day. It could be for health and mobility issues or the desire to be more productive during your commute or while waiting at the doctor’s office. If you’re like me, it could be that you […]

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), one in five adults in the US have experienced mental illness at some point in their life. Writers and other creative types, however, suffer at much greater rates than the average American. Over a decade of studies show the following approximate statistics for authors and artists: […]

Let’s face it: Kids are a lot of work. No one would argue that point in the real world—no one who’s spent time around them, anyhow. And little ones can be just as much of a handful on the page. Especially when it comes to dialogue, making young characters believable can leave a thin margin […]

We all know what a “young adult” is—after all, we’ve all been one. But as it turns out, we’ve all been “new adults” as well, a lesser-known age range that directly follows young adulthood. Over the years, both “young adult” and “new adult” stages of life have sparked genres of the same names, and though […]

There’s an old saying that goes, “If you’re going through Hell—keep going. That’s no place to stop.” The same can be said about first drafts, editing, and most of the business tasks associated with being a self-published author. Many of the tasks aren’t in our wheelhouse as creatives, or we do them so infrequently that […]

As indie authors, we are constantly introducing ourselves: to other writers, to editors, to cover designers, and especially—ideally—to new readers. For a profession that can sometimes feel a bit lonely, we’re rarely going it alone, which makes our first impressions important … and all the more daunting.  Speaking of introductions, some of you might recognize […]

Tameri Etherton discovered she was a natural storyteller when she was six.  “I have three older siblings and then a stepsister who was four months younger than me, and we’d go camping a lot,” she says. “And I would be the one telling stories around the fire. And I realized I had a gift for […]

It All Comes Back to Book Number One Everyone buys the first book in a series. When you run promotions, they’ll be for the first in the series. When readers ask you where to start, it’ll be with the first in the series. When you calculate the viability of a series based on read-through or […]

You’ve written your first book, revised and edited it, and finally hit that “Publish” button. You’re over the moon that you’ve gotten your first piece out there but confused about why you’re not getting the feedback you thought you would. What do you do now?  Advertising can seem intimidating, scary, and expensive for those who […] for Facebook marketing basics, strategies, or tactics? Check out the weekly Pin To Top, hosted by social media marketing strategist Ann Kristine Peñaredondo. “Growing your business doesn’t have to be overwhelming,” she says. “I can help you be on top of the changing Facebook algorithms, trends, and updates.”

How many ads do we see a day? The answer is hard to calculate, but according to Forbes Magazine (, studies suggest we see anywhere between four thousand and ten thousand ads per day. That’s not far-fetched. Back in 2015, a marketer by the name of Ron Marshall ( set out to test the stats […] The world’s first Amazon advertising podcast – hosted by Ad Badger. Here we discuss the ins and outs of Amazon PPC, including tips and tricks to help optimize your ad campaigns. Whether you’re a die-hard [pay-per-click] fanatic or an Amazon seller looking for an edge, this is the podcast for you.

Writing a book with another author can be like getting married. You have to settle multiple legalities and sign contracts before the writing even begins. Because this decision is so important, you must choose the right partner. Pairing up to complete a project with someone who’s an ill fit can prove to be more than […] show appeals to veteran Facebook advertisers as well as beginners with its mix of content. The weekly show, hosted by Phil Graham, drops on Tuesdays with the latest tips “to help you stand out from the noise and leverage Facebook Ads for your success.”

Breaking Bread (and Churros) across Europe: 20Books Madrid in Review There is no substitute for in-person events. “You’ll learn a few things from the books, you’ll get quite a bit from the professors, but where the real knowledge and experience comes from, what you really need to make an effort to focus on, are your […]

The Pirates Have Landed In between the 20Books Madrid and the SPF Live London conferences, there was a quieter, smaller, yet possibly more disruptive conference: 20Books Holland.  The Netherlands is several years behind the United States in the indie publishing world. Authors might be frustrated when working in an environment where traditional publishing still has […]

One Service to Rule Them All Author Helper Suite Gives Users A Hand with Organizing the Backend of Book Businesses Jenn Mitchell Although it might sound like a bit of a stretch, “one service to rule them all” comes directly from a testimonial blurb about Author Helper Suite (AHS) from bestselling author Shane Silvers. Endorsements […]

Full disclosure: Canva is my friend. This user-friendly graphic design app is similar to Photoshop or Affinity. I use it for Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and my newsletter. A free account with the site can be great for mood boards, meme-making, and book cover design. For an annual $120 subscription, Canva Pro also […]

2020 was a pivotal year for everyone. COVID quarantines had people scrambling for things to do, especially creatives. For writers, book signings were postponed indefinitely. Screenwriters watched as filming around the globe halted, and life generally took a dystopian turn. More than ever, networking on social media took center stage as we strived to keep […]

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