Issue #13 – May 2022

Moves from Consulting Editor to Newly Created Position [Dateline: Sparks, Nevada May 26, 2022] — Indie Author Magazine announced today the promotion of Nicole Schroeder from Consulting Editor to Editor in Chief, a newly created position for the one-year-old publication. “As IAM enters its second year of operation, we’re thrilled to have Nicole at the […]

You’ve likely heard that building your email list is an important part of marketing your books. If you have a large list of raving, highly engaged fans who can’t wait to read your next book, then you have a great chance of selling lots of copies of your new release with just a few simple […]

With more than ten thousand authors already using Plottr, the story outlining and organizational software, many indie authors already find plenty of value in the platform and its features. A previous article published in May 2021 in Indie Author Magazine took a deep dive into potential uses and determined it was a solid tool for […]

I realize that time ceased to have meaning when the world went topsy-turvy. What used to be a minute started to feel like seven hours. And what used to feel like a month sometimes felt like a single minute.  It’s like we all collectively jumped in a Tardis and started cranking the knobs.  With that […]

I work with self-published authors across the entire spectrum of success, but the main thing I see from those who head to five-figures a month and beyond is confident persistence. They will do what it takes, without compromising their principles. They write what they like, but with an eye toward what the readers want to read. It’s an overlap […]

Kate Doster brings you practical advice and tips for growing your email list in her show.  She believes “email marketing can be fun and  profitable when you treat people like people and let your personality shine through.”

If your book marketing plan needs work, check out Penny Sansevieri and Amy Cornell’s show. Their podcast is long on new ideas and easy-to-implement book marketing strategies. It’s designed to help self-published and traditionally published authors at any career level grow their platform.

My dear friends greeted me at the door of their home, sat me down, placed a tablet in my hands, and pressed play. I got the e-book A Year of Sanderson. Bill, my husband, saw it later that night. He rolled his eyes at Sanderson’s heart-wrenching words of regret and declared that he wrote another […]

Brian Murphy interviews successful writers “to decode their tips, routines, and motivations for producing best-sellers” on the How Writers Write show.  Recent listeners have been privy to an insider’s glimpse into the lives of J.A. Jance, Maurice Ruffin, and Fiona Davis.

Aside from writing and publishing a new book, email marketing is often touted as the key to many authors’ success. Whether you send regular emails weekly or monthly or use list-building tactics like newsletter swaps, group promos, and reader magnets, there’s little point in spending all that time creating great content if it’s not getting […]

According to a 2021 article in Forbes, women accounted for nearly 41 percent of the gamer population in the United States and up to 45 percent in Asia, which also sees 48 percent of the world’s total video game revenue. While reader demographics are almost impossible to evaluate—the numbers simply aren’t readily available—a quick review […]

Valerie Steel begins her study The Corset: A Cultural History claiming, “The corset is probably the most controversial garment in the entire history of fashion.” Considering its reputation as oppressive, torturous, and downright dangerous, it’s hard to argue.  High time, then, we unknotted fact from fiction when it comes to this complex garment. As with […]

Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on chronic illnesses. Early estimates indicate anywhere from 5 to 80 percent of people experience lasting symptoms after contracting COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( They join the approximately 51.8 percent of people in the US who live with a […]

Four R’s to Find Your Essential Work . . . Instead of Rabbit Holes! You’ve heard people talk about creating a minimum viable product. How about a minimum viable process? Your time and energy are valuable—and limited—resources. How much work do you really need to create and market your books? Use these 4 R’s to […]

Dear Indie Annie, I’ve been criticized by teachers and even friends and family for my poor grammar. I know it’s bad, but does that mean I should give up writing anything at all? Grammarless in Gravelotte Dear Grammarless, Let’s start by changing your name, my sweet child. How about … Grammarfree? Think of grammar as […]

One of the many things I admire about the indie author community is how they are of the mindset that there is enough pie for all of us. Because of this, when an indie author has information that can assist another author, they step in and share it. One of those helpful people is Robyn […]

In his essay titled “The Narrative Idea,” David Halberstam has a simple piece of advice for writers who want to succeed at their craft: “The idea is vital.” His words, published in 2007 in the book Telling True Stories, were directed toward narrative journalists, but they apply to some extent across every genre, whether fiction […]

Congratulations! You’ve poured your heart and soul onto the page, and your book has come to life. You’ve planned the launch to end all launches and even built the perfect landing page where your legion of fans can subscribe to your newsletter while they anxiously wait, cash in hand, for your next release. Sounds like […]

Loads of articles compare the pros and cons of images or plain text in email newsletters.  Let’s cut to the chase: They both have their pros and cons. Chances are also good that no single article will sway you one way or the other if you’re fixed in your ways and you have your reasons […]

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