Issue #4 – August 2021

At its core, Goodreads is a social media platform. It lives for the interaction between its users. Yet authors aren’t as active as they need to be to get the most out of Goodreads. A recent survey showed that nearly half of all author profiles were out of date, and another 50% had a broken […]

Cover to Cover: What First-Time Authors Need to Know about Editing Sandra Wendel As the title suggests, this is a primer for first-time authors, although there are some timeless nuggets worth the purchase. Its advice is down-to-earth, practical, and relatable. Wendel is an experienced editor and explains from the editor’s perspective what they do and […]

When and Where to Spend Your Limited Resources What if we told you that your book doesn’t need to be perfect to be published? Following the Michael Anderle school of thought, the goal is to hit a MVP—minimum viable product—with our books. We want to write to genre expectations; it’s the story and characters that […]

“The End.”  You’ve typed the final words, and your manuscript is complete. What next? If you’re like most people, this is when you search for an editor. Even talented writers need a second (or third) pair of eyes to look over the manuscript and polish it so that it gleams. Assessing Your Needs First, assess […]

When it comes to revision, Stephen King might’ve worded it best. Editing “is always a little like murdering children,” he wrote in his book On Writing, “but it must be done.” But finding where to start rewriting can be just as challenging as actually writing. It’s no wonder many authors use editing software to kick-start […]

Or is it salvation? The right editor will be your partner, helping polish your words so your story shines. But how do you know if an editor is right? A highly-acclaimed editor of techno-thrillers may be completely the wrong choice to edit your Regency Romance.  Finding the editor that’s right for you is critical, and […]

Editing can be a daunting part of the writing process. Whether a critique partner, beta readers, or an editor, it’s the first time eyes other than yours are seeing your story. Knowing what kind of editor you need and how to find one can be overwhelming. But the process becomes a lot easier once you […]

Ad Graphics That Sell Your novel debuts. The story is amazing. The cover is on trend. The product description is flawless. But not every author is going to find their audience from the moment they click the publish button. For those requiring the extra push to find readers, advertising might be a necessity. But what […]

Resetting and restarting By the time you reach the editing stage, you’ve been working on your project for a long time. Your creative brain might be tired. Maybe you have doubts, distractions, overwhelm, or you can’t see your way forward. Give yourself a fresh start with this M.I.N.D.S.E.T. check-up: Motivation—In the editing stage, you are […]

Boosting Creativity with Vitamin D Vitamin D contains a little bit of magic. It plays a key role in overall health, improved sleep, emotional regulation, and cognitive function. Sunlight is the best way that we can gain vitamin D. It’s readily accessible to everyone, and has the added benefit of getting you out into the […]

A guide to determining travel time in your stories An old scene ends. A new scene begins. And if the characters now find themselves in a different place, readers will usually just assume that time has passed and distances have been traversed. But how far apart are places in the story? How long does it […]

How to Revise Your Novel (and Have Fun Doing It) Writers Helping Writers Writers helping Writers is a source site for all of your thesaurus and grammar needs. Their website boasts an incredible “bookshelf” which allows authors to learn and reference from other literary works. They also have an incredible collection of resources and webinars […]

What do you do when the world ends? Rebuild it. Some people confuse Post-Apocalyptic and Dystopian stories, but they have distinct requirements. Young Adult Dystopian is a subset of Dystopian with further specific expectations. A corrupt government When it comes to YA Dystopian fiction, a corrupt government or society that rose to power after a […]

What you need to know about ISBNs to make the right choices for your business There’s much to learn about self-publishing, and one aspect to understand is the role of the ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Here’s an overview of what they’re for, when you need them, and how to get them. What is an […]

How to survive and thrive during the editing process One of the greatest challenges of becoming an author is getting your book edited without having a panic attack around, “Is this good enough?” and the even harder question, “Am I good enough?” I have three tips around conquering crippling criticism during the editing process: #1 […]

One September about a decade ago, I learned of National Novel Writing Month, commonly known as NaNoWriMo. Many of us have attempted to write 50,000 words in a month during that challenge, and it remains a popular and useful event. When I finally “won” after several failed attempts, I was thrilled, and more than a […]

I’ve found that the right editor makes the process much more enjoyable and profitable. The right editor makes your words shine while keeping your voice. Mine makes me sound like me, but better! If you’re looking for an editor, I recommend our advanced article this month, The Perfect Polish. Finding the editor that’s right for […]

Dear Indie Annie, I published my first book last month. I worked really hard on it, paid for professional editing and cover, and I’m really proud of it. But when I told friends and family that I had a book out, they asked who the publisher was and what “deal” did I get. They told […]

Hosted by Mark Leslie Lefebvre Perspectives and reflections on the writing and publishing life. Mark Leslie Lefebvre, a writer, bookseller, digital publishing advocate, professional speaker, and publishing consultant, explores inclusive and collaborative opportunities for writers and book publishing professionals via interviews, discussions, and reflections about the industry.

Kate Pickford is a name whispered in groups of authors the world over. She has written and directed award-winning movies, and found success as a script doctor, a book coach, a developmental editor, and a ghostwriter, as well as an author. If you’ve had a conversation with her at a 20Booksto50K® event in Bali, or […]

Hosted by Lindsay Buroker, Joseph R. Lallo, and Andrea Pearson Six Figure Authors is the show that helps you take your writing career to the next level. Lindsay Buroker, Jo Lallo, and Andrea Pearson are sharing their own insights, as authors who’ve been publishing since the beginning of the e-reader revolution, and they’re also interviewing […]

An Editor’s Guide to the Proces Note: All editors are different. Just because one editor may follow process A, does not mean that a second editor following process B is wrong. This breakdown is intended to provide general information to get you started, but your mileage may vary. Types of Editing When we talk about […]

Hosted by Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler, and Daniel Wells Fifteen minutes long, because you’re in a hurry and we’re not that smart. Writing Excuses is a fast-paced, educational podcast for writers, by writers. Our goal is to help our listeners become better writers. Whether they write for fun or for profit, whether […]

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