Issue #7 – November 2021

Chelle Honiker You could safely call me a digital hoarder. If there were a show about nerds who download and play with apps and find obscure programs to solve problems (that probably don’t really need solving) with technology, I would be its poster child. I am obsessed with trying new things. Two of my favorite […]

I have a small problem, and I’m hoping you’ll have a solution for me. On January 1st of this year, I made a commitment to write every day, and despite the myriad distractions life has thrown at me, I’ve managed to keep that going all year. In fact, I’ve just surpassed three hundred days of […]

Arm Yourself to Beat Imposter Syndrome In this final article on imposter syndrome, we’re going to take a deeper look at the psychology behind it and offer a tool kit for healthier thinking. Everyone has a mental filter, built from our experiences, our personality, and our environment. It’s this filter that leads us to unknowingly […]

NaNoWriMo has begun Merri Maywether It is 11:59 p.m. on October 31st. Around the world, people are nestled in the safety of their homes. Stacks of candy collected in festive looking bags and decorative bowls. At midnight, none of that is important. Because thousands of writers around the world have touched pen to paper, finger […]

Writing for Middle Grade Middle Grade, an age-based story category, exists across multiple genres. Whether fiction or nonfiction, fantastic or realistic, historical or contemporary, these stories are generally written with ages 8-12 in mind, although they may also appeal to teens and adults who enjoy short, uncluttered, fast-paced stories focused on young protagonists. This category […]

A conversation with the publishing master, Joseph Alexander “A huge part of life has passed by my window while I’ve been locked inside.” Joseph Alexander has seen the success many writers dream about. Starting as a classically trained musician, his first guitar tutorial brought with it an income he hadn’t expected. But as he approaches […]

How and why to put equine misconceptions out to pasture Few things transcend genres quite like horses. Historical novels incorporate them to set scenes or develop characters. They can be favorite modes of transportation on quests. Even their alien or hybrid cousins appear in Sci-Fi stories. Horses can be a driving force—both figuratively and literally—in […]

“It’s delightful when your imaginations come true, isn’t it?” L. M. Montgomery Our books are the products of our imaginations, and though the stories within may not come to life, we can still hold our books in our hands, feel the tangible proof of what our minds have created.  For me, I didn’t believe I […]

Key Definitions to Remember When Formatting Your Book Your story is written and edited. The next hurdle is how to make it available to your readers. There are several options: you can use software such as Vellum to create a stunning e-book and print version. Or you can pay someone else to do it. Or […]

Tackling Author Signing Events Ah, book signings. The glam, the glitz, the autographs, the pics. The chaos, the questions, the preparation, the rejection. If you’ve ever signed books before, you know there’s a lot more to it than just showing up and praying someone buys your book. And if you haven’t, you are probably just […]

Using Microsoft Word to prepare your book for publication Gill Fernley If you don’t have the budget to hire a formatter, but you’re still dying to get your book out there, the good news is that you can do it yourself. And you’ve probably already got the program we’re going to focus on. Microsoft Word. […]

Formatting with Professional Programs Have you ever picked up a book and enjoyed just looking at it? You may not have recognized why, but if you learned something easily from a book, it’s likely because the design enhanced your comprehension of the material. Chances are high the designer used InDesign or Affinity Publisher to layout […]

Breaking Down The Newest Marketing Feature in Kindle Direct Publishing Standing out in a crowd is rarely fun—unless you’re trying to sell books, that is. But it’s not always easy. After all, eBook sales are an ever-growing force to be reckoned with, up more than sixteen percent in 2020, according to the New York Times. […]

Fast, Polished Formatting Chrishaun Keller-Hanna Released: 2013 Operating System: Apple/Mac Price: Vellum eBook $199.99 (can produce interiors for eBooks only) Vellum Press $249.99 (can produce interiors for eBook and Print) What is it? Simply put, Vellum is an interior book layout software that offers authors a high-end formatting experience without the price or the learning […]

When you hear the name “YouTube” you probably think more of videos than books, and even Google explains YouTube as “an online video sharing and social media platform.” Based on numbers alone, it should come as no surprise that a social media platform with one of the largest search engines in the world and around […]

Protecting your wrists As a writer, your wrists are crucial to your work. Whether you use pen and paper or a keyboard, repetitive actions can cause stiffness and swelling leading to pain. The most common of painful wrist conditions is Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), but by making a few small changes to your work habits […]

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