Issue #9 – January 2022

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Merri Maywether In a sentence, Women’s Fiction is written by women for women. It isn’t that the genre is exclusive; men can and have read Women’s Fiction titles. However, the author writes with the female reader in mind. Relational sagas, love stories, and generational stories all make up the commercially written books that tap into […]

Podcast that promises to help you get clear on how to move forward, as well as hand over actionable tips on what you can do to get your novel published as quickly as possible, without sacrificing quality.

Writing, Self-Publishing, and Book Marketing Advice for Writers

Follow along as book launch expert Tim Grahl teaches you the fundamentals of launching a bestselling book. Based on his work with hundreds of authors and launching dozens of top New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and other bestselling books, he will share the insights and step-by-step tactics you can use to launch your own […]

How Elana Johnson—and Liz Isaacson, Jessie Newton, and Donna Jeffries—left traditional publishing to inspire indie success Nicole Schroeder Over the fourteen years she’s spent in the self-publishing industry, Elana Johnson has learned to use her strengths. The USA Today bestselling Romance and Women’s Fiction author and CEO of AEJ Creative Works, Inc., is good at […]

What do authors Salman Rushdie and Chuck Palahniuk have in common with a small army of indie authors? They’re actively publishing newsletters and creative content on the newsletter platform Substack. Let’s look at why this new platform might be the hottest place to publish your next novel and connect with a whole new group of […]

Elaine Bateman Could rapidly releasing your books be the fastest way to financial success? Well, it might be one of them. What is “rapid release?” The rapid release strategy is to publish each book quickly enough that the previous book in your series is still in its launch window, allowing you to take advantage of […]

Like many creatives, I suffer from a terminal case of bright shiny object syndrome. I see ideas everywhere, and run after them like a puppy chasing a ball, leaving old ones by the wayside. I’ve also developed the terrible habit of stopping (too) often to check email, social media notifications, or reply to text messages. […]

Getting the Word Out About Your Book Emilia Zeeland We’ve all been there. Exhausted, over-caffeinated, and anxious about our next launch, wondering how to not just attract attention to our new release, but also turn that initial buzz into a ravenous fandom. Regardless of whether you are preparing a launch every year or every month, […]

“You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Christopher Columbus January is a month for fresh starts and looking forward to a year full of exciting possibilities. We’ve made our goals; we’ve set our plans in place. Now it’s time to put them into action.  […]

Why Wide Authors Need A Custom Launch Plan Laurel Decher Book launch plans are all over the internet, including the twelve in my “Read Later” folder. They are fun to look at but can be dangerous for your author business. You want your book to blast off into a fuel-efficient orbit and find more readers […]

Organizing the Workflows of Writing Greg Fishbone Notion is the organizing tool I didn’t know I needed but now can’t live without. The slick web and mobile app interfaces collect notes, tasks, and projects together into a single Swiss Army knife of information. Other tools might do a few things better, but I’ve found nothing […]

Simply put: Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform. For those wondering what that means, crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people. If you’re like many folks, your knowledge of the Kickstarter platform begins with that electronic cat accessory you almost backed and ends […]

Adding Tension to Your Stories Kasia Lasinska Tension is not just reserved for Thrillers—it spans across all genres. In Romance, there’s sexual tension (just kiss already!); in Dystopia, there’s the ever-present threat that one wrong move could draw the attention of the government; in Horror, we have things that go bump in the night (which […]

A Recap of the 20Books Vegas 2021 Conference In November 2021, roughly sixteen hundred authors descended upon Las Vegas to attend the annual 20Booksto50K® conference. Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel hosted the event for the first time, the increased number of attendees showcasing the growing popularity of the conference. It also marked the return of the […]

Dear Indie Annie, I know I need to run ads if I want to grow my revenue, but all the numbers are making my brain hurt. ACOS, CPC, Impressions, CTR: I am trying to keep them straight, but all the acronyms and calculations are confusing me. I can’t remember what the letters stand for or […]

Jac Harmon How many times have you heard yourself say, “If only I had more time to write”? Probably far too many. One popular and well-proven method of increasing your productivity within your available time is to alternate periods of focused work (also called “sprints”) with short rest breaks.  The Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro technique […]

Gill Fernley Indie authors have so much to think about and learn, and that’s before you even tackle the world’s most enormous to-do list. There’s writing, editing, finding beta and ARC readers, social media, emailing your list, and on and on. Oh yes, and having a life! So how do you get it all done […]

Using Feng Shui to Frame Your Magic System Sine Mairi MacDougall Magic systems can be one of the most fun parts of world building. Readers also obsess over this part of fantasy. They are looking for clearly laid-out rules, so many authors base their fantasies off known systems. This gives readers something familiar, allowing them […]

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