Like many creatives, I suffer from a terminal case of bright shiny object syndrome. I see ideas everywhere, and run after them like a puppy chasing a ball, leaving old ones by the wayside.

I’ve also developed the terrible habit of stopping (too) often to check email, social media notifications, or reply to text messages. 

Adding to the mix is the endless noise of technology interruptions. The stream of notifications from eight devices beep, ding, and chime so often they’ve lost their purpose. I ignore them. 

Then I wonder why my word count is disastrously low and the task list remains unfinished.  

Allow me to sum up this predicament in our new modern shared language, a relatable meme:

46ePJVP8pNJvRYniaMJjd 8tIY2AfZn7yz4Oq6cvLjwVIxLda4qxilMbyjFFGx6x7 u976SH3bgRon ndc6qLV9G0qWKZs3J0M1965FyF VUT

Metaphorically speaking, I’ve lost control of the day. 

Taking Control Again

I’ve made my sacred project list. No more detours, however bright and shiny. I’m shutting off notifications and committing to completely focus on one thing until it’s finished. 

I’m also thinking of having this quote discretely tattooed somewhere I’ll see it often:

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

Alexander Graham Bell

Focus. That’s my word for 2022. 

This issue offers multiple solutions and suggestions for helping you regain control of your day. As you navigate your plan for a new year, I’d like to ask that you share your ideas with me. We’re starting a project to leverage the “wisdom in the room” from our readers. Drop me an email and let me know your thoughts. 

To Your Success, 


Picture of Chelle Honiker

Chelle Honiker

Chelle Honiker is an advocate for the empowerment of authorpreneurs, recognizing the importance of authors taking charge of both their craft and careers. In response to this need, she has founded a media and training company dedicated to supporting these creative professionals. As the co-founder and publisher of Indie Author Magazine, IndieAuthorTraining, Indie Author Tools, and, Chelle’s team of more than 80 writers, editors, trainers, and support staff provides resources and insights that help authors navigate the complexities of self-publishing. Her role as the programming director for Author Nation, an annual conference in Las Vegas, further exemplifies her commitment to fostering a community where authors can grow and succeed. With a career spanning over two decades in executive operations and leadership, Chelle has honed her skills in managing complex projects and delivering impactful training programs. Her experience as a speaker and TEDx Organizer has taken her to many countries, where she has shared her insights with diverse audiences.

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