
Introducing your translated book to readers can be an excellent form of virtual travel. Just think of all those new friends you can visit when the world opens back up.  Travelers—especially writers—often collect surprising experiences and specific, colorful, and possibly useless details.  When your book travels, you may learn that Malaysia’s currency is called a […]

Say you’re in a bar. With people. Someone approaches you and asks, “How’s it going with your author business?”  You answer in one of the following three ways:  “Well, the CTR on my CTA is fourteen percent lower even though I increased my ad spend by ten percent. My unsubscribe rate increased eight percent, but […]

Tackling Author Signing Events Ah, book signings. The glam, the glitz, the autographs, the pics. The chaos, the questions, the preparation, the rejection. If you’ve ever signed books before, you know there’s a lot more to it than just showing up and praying someone buys your book. And if you haven’t, you are probably just […]

Breaking Down The Newest Marketing Feature in Kindle Direct Publishing Standing out in a crowd is rarely fun—unless you’re trying to sell books, that is. But it’s not always easy. After all, eBook sales are an ever-growing force to be reckoned with, up more than sixteen percent in 2020, according to the New York Times. […]

The Only Question is How: Sweat Equity or Actual Money? The book cover is the first impression potential readers will have of your work and is what stops them scrolling as they search for something new to read. Beside considerations of genre, title, niche, and tone, your most important question is, how do you source […]

How Color Mapping and Psychology Can Help Your Cover Stand Out In the May issue, we talked about how authors generate trust by having their covers reflect the story within. We pulled several bold and rather red action adventure covers together to compare and contrast the elements to illustrate how the bold designs, font, and […]

Prioritize Your Strategies for a Healthier, Happier Author Life Ah, the Fear of Missing Out (a.k.a. FOMO). That nagging panic that tricks us into thinking if we don’t try the newest, flashiest marketing strategy populating our news feeds, our author business will wither. It is distracting at best. At worst, it can plunge the unsuspecting […]

A logo is an asset that every author should consider having in their marketing repertoire. Your logo will be one of the key indicators of your brand. It will be one of the first things readers see when visiting your website or your social media profiles. When deciding on your logo, ask yourself whether it […]

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