Transmedia (Audio, Merch, Special Editions + Alternate Income Streams)

Sounded Walks the Ethical Tightrope of AI Narration Elaine Bateman The intersection of artificial intelligence and the realm of audiobook narration has ushered in a wave of innovation, but it also brings with it a host of ethical considerations that demand careful examination. As the capabilities of AI voice cloning evolve, the ethical landscape of […]

How You Can Prepare Your Manuscript for Audio Narration Jen B. Green Note: The terms reader and listener are both commonly used to refer to audiobook consumers, but to help differentiate between visual reading and audio reading, in this article, “readers” refers to visual readers.  You’ve selected your narrator or narrators, agreed to all the […]

I am an author, marketer, and serial entrepreneur who loves writing poetry, talking about relationship and teaching about book marketing.
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Ember Casey is the USA Today bestselling author of over forty contemporary romance novels. She also writes interactive fiction, poetry, and serial stories (where she branches into fantasy romance under the pen name Ember Blackthorn), and she’s always looking for new ways to tell stories. She’s the founder of the Writing and Selling on Fiction Apps group on Facebook, a community where authors can discuss strategies for publishing in this world of new media.

A theme park that immerses fans in the world of a favorite movie. A board game or video game adapted from an existing story world. A fictional character’s favorite T-shirt made in real life for fans to purchase. Although the term “transmedia storytelling” may be unfamiliar to some, the concept is nothing new. Transmedia narratives […]

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Dan Wood is the Chief Operating Officer at Draft2Digital, where he has spent the last 9 years helping authors publish their books to stores, libraries and subscription services worldwide. During this time, he has had the privilege to present at conferences across the world and speak with thousands of authors at various stages in their careers. With their acquisition of Smashwords, Draft2Digital now distributes over 900,000 books. Dan is also a Co-Host of the Self Publishing Insiders Podcast.
Tanya Hales is an author, illustrator, and lover of fantasy, nature, ice cream, and wholesome, uplifting stories.

I'm the creator and CEO of BookFunnel! And, to a lesser degree, a self-published author of my own Fantasy trilogy as well. So, while I'm mostly a tech guy, I'm also an indie author just like you.
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Malorie is the author of over 127 books built in a far-reaching sci-fi universe she named Aeon 14. Over the past few years her focus has shifted to helping other authors achieve their goals via improving their launches and marketing. Together with her wife, Jill, they run The Writing Wives.

Becca Syme (MATL) is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and has been coaching success alignment for more than a decade. She is the author of the Quitbooks for Writers series and the popular Write Better-Faster course. She also writes mystery novels in her spare time and lives on one of the thousand lakes in Minnesota.
Considered one of the most prolific writers working in modern fiction, USA Today bestselling writer, Dean Wesley Smith has published over two hundred novels in forty years, and hundreds and hundreds of short stories across many genres. At the moment he produces novels in five major series, including the time travel Thunder Mountain novels set in the old west, the galaxy-spanning Seeders Universe series, the urban fantasy Ghost of a Chance series, and the superhero series starring Poker Boy, and the highly acclaimed puzzle mystery series The Cold Poker Gang. His monthly magazine called Smith’s Monthly, consisting of only his own fiction, premiered in October 2013 and each month has over 60,000 words per issue, including a new and original novel every month.

Indie Author Magazine: How will the strategy of publishing wide play a part in the future of the industry? Paddy Finn: I don’t subscribe to the idea of exclusive versus wide. It focusses too much on such a narrow sliver of your intellectual property’s potential. The question should be: How do I make my IP […]

Indie Author Magazine: On an individual level, direct publishing can equate to greater control over titles, greater royalties, and a closer relationship with readers. What will the trend of authors publishing direct mean for the industry as a whole? Oriana Leckert: I think we’re in a thrilling moment of creative autonomy, where authors and content […]

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Sarra Cannon is the indie author of more than twenty-five Young Adult contemporary fantasy novels, including her bestselling Shadow Demons Saga. Her novels often stem from her own experiences growing up in the small town of Hawkinsville, Georgia, where she learned that being popular always comes at a price and relationships are rarely as simple as they seem. With close to three-quarters of a million books sold, Sarra is also passionate about helping fellow authors learn to self-publish in a way that puts joy and creativity at the forefront. She is the host of the successful YouTube channel and blog Heart Breathings, where she talks about everything from productivity to plotting. Sarra lives in Charleston, South Carolina with her supportive husband and her adorable red-headed son.
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Stephanie (S. J.) is a writer, knitter, Capricorn, Japanophile, and USA Today Best Selling author. She loves summer, downtempo beats, yoga pants, foxes, owls, dogs, sushi, pasta, and black tea. She lives outside NYC with her husband, two great kids, and her dog who always wants to play. When it comes to her work, she writes about everyday women and uncommon worlds.
Founder of Author Marketing Mastery through Optimization (AMMO). We help authors build and scale a profitable direct-to-reader sales system.
Melissa Storm is an industry veteran with more than 14 years experience under her belt. She currently juggles four active pen names (including Molly Fitz and SK Reign) and also serves as CEO and lead Facebook ads consultant for Novel Publicity. Her client list includes multiple NYT and Amazon top 100 bestselling authors in a variety of genres. Melissa has a particular fondness for #whychoose, lives in Alaska, and really likes cats.
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Anthea Sharp is a USA Today bestselling author of YA Fantasy, GameLit, and Steampunk. Her books are filled with magic, adventure, characters you can care about, and a touch of romance. Her short fiction has appeared in numerous anthologies, and she's been an enthusiastic indie author since 2011, when she left tradpub and jumped into the new world of publishing. Wow, things have changed in the last dozen years! She can hardly wait to see where they go next...
Theodora Taylor is the bestselling author of the 50 Loving States Series. Despite writing within a niche genre (interracial romance), she has earned six KDP All-Star bonuses and grown a fanbase of rabid readers through the power of Universal Fantasy. Her book, 7 FIGURE FICTION: How to Use Universal Fantasy to SELL Your Books to ANYONE was an instant #1 non-fiction bestseller in the Writing Category on Amazon and has since been certified as Great by the world’s largest online bookseller. Most importantly, this book has become a valued and treasured resource for writers around the world. Theodora has been invited to give presentations on Universal Fantasy by NINC (Novelists Inc.) Conference, RAM (Romance Author Mastermind), and Inker’s Con. She’s also a highly sought after podcasts guest. She’s made appearances on The Creative Penn (hosted by Joanna Penn), Six Figure Authors, #AmWriting, Wish I’d Known Then,
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CEO of the Future Fiction Academy, author of over 25 novels across Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple, and Google and any other store front open to indies. Elizabeth has been making a living from her digital writing since 2007 and first published a novel in 2011. An innovator on all things new technology for indie authors, she has shared training and classes for years on dictation, selling direct, running a business, organic marketing, and now writing with AI. The EA in EAW might as well stand for Early Adopter. She has been a speaker at RWA's national conferences, 20Booksto50K, and on numerous podcasts and Youtube channels over the years.
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Michael Evans is the author of over a dozen sci-fi thriller novels, a serial founder of media and creator economy tech companies, a student at Harvard University, and is obsessed with experiencing, studying, and creating stories that empower others to create better futures. His stories are genre-bending and feature flawed, relatable characters in high-stakes situations with tech-gone-wrong in the near future. When not writing, Michael can be found running, hiking, playing basketball, and embarking on real-life thrilling adventures. Ice cream and sunsets are some of his favorites, but he will settle for a warm blanket and a cozy book on a winter day.
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More animal than man, he bleeds caffeine and… Ah, I'm just kidding. It sounded cool though, right? I write because that's what I was born to do and I freaking love doing it When I'm not writing crazy stories, I'm spending time with my wife and two little space marines getting into mischief.
Multiple USA Today bestselling author of over 100 SF&F works. Love teaching about writing, playing with my puppy, and procrastinating.

My dear friends greeted me at the door of their home, sat me down, placed a tablet in my hands, and pressed play. I got the e-book A Year of Sanderson. Bill, my husband, saw it later that night. He rolled his eyes at Sanderson’s heart-wrenching words of regret and declared that he wrote another […]

Your Step-By-Step Guide to Deciding Which Hardcover Options Are Right for You Why Consider Hardcover? Bragging rights alone are a solid reason for hardcover editions. A hardcover omnibus—the print equivalent of a digital box set—would look impressive on your next Zoom call. Hardcovers are perfect for libraries and schools, a crowdfunding campaign (how about a […]

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