Issue #25- May 2023

Promoting your books can take any number of forms as you explore all the options available to readers. But if you’re looking for a way to attract a local audience to your story or meet readers at an in-person event, one option is to do an author reading. You get to read an excerpt of […]

Promo Newsletter Options for Every Indie Author David Viergutz Authors have long sought ways to send their work to the masses. Pay-per-click ads, social media, direct sales events—there are a multitude of options, all with unique purposes.  The longstanding king of reaching readers has been through email, where one email blast can send your book […]

The social media platform with the biggest potential for 2023—and the foreseeable future—is YouTube, according to marketing guru Adam Erhart. It’s the second most visited platform in the world, and over the past three years, YouTube’s partner program has paid out $30 billion to content creators.  BookTube is a thriving subset of YouTube channels that […]

How These Nearly Invisible Data Collection Tools Can Boost Your Author Business Tiffany Robinson In today’s digital age, authors have many tools to increase book sales and reach their target audiences. One of the most effective ways to do this is using pixel tags. That’s right—those colorful little squares on your screen can do a […]

Prosperity Starts with Promotion Honorée Corder As much as I love producing a book, it’s the promotion of a new book that really gets my juices flowing. And because I know the other columns in this month’s magazine are going to dive into the particulars of the different promo sites, I want to share from […]

A thought came to me the other night while I was down on my knees. Alas, I was not praying but cleaning out the litter box, and while ten percent of my brain pondered the eternal verity of dust to dust, the other ninety percent was in a fit of frustration after a misunderstanding with […]

I’ve given this presentation a few times because it’s important for authors to stay grounded. When we start writing, the only person we have to compare ourselves against is our favorite authors—those people who have been writing for a while with a team of people making sure the stories are great.  We loved those stories, […]

Dear Indie Annie, I’m a new author about to publish my first book. I’m so excited, but I’m also a little overwhelmed! What advice do you have for someone in my shoes? Fresh-Faced in Franklin Ah, welcome, my dear Fresh-Faced, I just want to mush your cute little cheeks together. I am so proud of […]

Gone are the days where evil-doers stalk the night, chasing down helpless victims while the law struggles to keep up. Now, a new hero rises, one not afraid to toe the morally gray line in the name of what is right. Their actions can set up the perfect adventure for readers to dig into. More […]

Chrishaun Keller-Hanna on World-Building, Monsters, and Merch Jenn Lessmann Chrishaun Keller-Hanna wants you to know you are a success as a writer. “We are artists that use words as our medium,” she says. “We become writers the moment we say we are, and we must be the ones that determine when we have succeeded.” For […]

The Art of Successful Ads Steve Higgs For some, Facebook advertising can be a hole into which they pour money with little or no return. For others, and I’m one of them, it is the source of a fortune. You have to invest your money to find the things that work. That’s scary, but when […]

For the first couple of years after I became an indie author, I struggled to get sales. But when I changed my strategy to use paid promotional newsletters, my sales grew significantly. It took a big mindset change for me to offer my first-in-series for free, but it completely changed the trajectory of my author […]

Ever since I started my author Instagram account, the app has been one of my biggest time sucks. A lot of it stems from the fact that I can—almost—justify the time I spend there as being productive. Watching other authors’ Reels and scrolling through aesthetic Bookstagram photos counts as research, right? But the app does […]

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