From the Editor

For the last four issues we have helped you get your manuscript to be its best version. Now, it’s time to decide how you are going to release that manuscript into the world as your book.  In this issue, we look at your distribution options—from all the boxes you need to check to upload to […]

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney You’ve written your book, edited it until it shines, and now you’re ready to send it out into the world. But how? What retailers should you use? What do all the terms mean? There are a lot of […]

Or is it salvation? The right editor will be your partner, helping polish your words so your story shines. But how do you know if an editor is right? A highly-acclaimed editor of techno-thrillers may be completely the wrong choice to edit your Regency Romance.  Finding the editor that’s right for you is critical, and […]

Editing can be a daunting part of the writing process. Whether a critique partner, beta readers, or an editor, it’s the first time eyes other than yours are seeing your story. Knowing what kind of editor you need and how to find one can be overwhelming. But the process becomes a lot easier once you […]

As writers, we want readers to love our book as much as we do, so it behooves us to give it the best possible cover that we can. Whether it’s designing one ourselves, purchasing a premade, or commissioning a custom cover, we want the cover to capture the reader’s attention.  The cover helps us come […]

“Judge a book by its cover.”  We’re told not to, but we all do it. First impressions count, and this is your chance. What will your cover tell the world about your story? In this issue we explore some of the design elements that make a cover stand out for the right reasons. A good […]

After the excitement of Outlining, that first glimmer of the idea that’s going to be the most amazing story ever, we come to First Drafts. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and do the hard work. One of the hardest parts of writing a novel is finding time to write. Time is our most […]

Before I get to this month’s topic, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported us in our launch. Seeing how the indie author community embraced the magazine reassures us that this is something we need. So thank you to each of you who came to our launch party, bought a subscription, […]

The part of indie publishing that makes my heart sing is not seeing my own words in print (although I like that too) but helping others to realize their publishing dreams. Indie publishing has bypassed the traditional gatekeepers of literary agents and editors, but there are new gatekeepers in their place now. Now, information is […]

The Start of Our Story When Chelle Honiker and Alice Briggs first presented the notion of a magazine dedicated to the independent author community, I sat there like the little emoji with stars for eyes. I was enthralled. A magazine just for authors who treat their writing like a business? Yes please! The first ereaders […]

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