The part of indie publishing that makes my heart sing is not seeing my own words in print (although I like that too) but helping others to realize their publishing dreams.

Indie publishing has bypassed the traditional gatekeepers of literary agents and editors, but there are new gatekeepers in their place now. Now, information is the key to the gate, and the lack of it is a barrier that can seem insurmountable.

When Chelle and Alice first floated the idea of a magazine for the indie author community, I knew I wanted to be part of it. When they presented the full scope of their vision, I realized that this was something really special. For me, it was the opportunity to give back to the community that has given me so much. To do it among friends I have made along the way? That’s the icing on the cake.

In an industry that is growing and changing as rapidly as ours, current, reliable information is critical to making good decisions for your business. Collating and sharing that information to help authors help themselves is what drives us at Indie Author Magazine, and I feel privileged to be part of this unfolding story.

Let the magic begin.

Erika Everest
Managing Editor, Indie Author Magazine

Picture of Erika Everest

Erika Everest

Over fifteen years in the corporate sector, managing international projects and teams, gives Erika Everest a strong foundation for managing the globally-dispersed editorial team working at Indie Author Magazine. She has co-curated eight anthologies in the past three years, and works with authors for proofreading, beta reading, editing, formatting, and newsletter set up and maintenance. With a PhD in Biostatistics and a postgraduate qualification in International Business Management, Erika values strategic and analytical thinking. She also values unicorns, tiaras, and happily ever afters. She has published three novels in a series of fairytale retellings, and likes to procrastinate by writing nonfiction books to help authors.

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