This all started in a castle in Scotland…

There are times in your life when you make a quick decision, and it pays far richer dividends than you could ever imagine. My trip to Scotland became a cascade of adventures and blessings with a fabulous group of people I may have never known but for a quick thought: “Writing? Castle? Scotland? Sign me up!”

We hope to help you find similar serendipitous magic and alchemy throughout your writing career to lead to greater success than you would have found on your own, or at the very least accelerated success.

Whatever that looks like for you, because success looks like something, but it looks like something different for each of us.

Our goal is to give you something informative, accessible, and motivational within these pages no matter where you are on this journey, no matter what you write, no matter what choices you make to bring that vision of success to reality in your life. Those of us working on and for the magazine are at varying places on the authorial journey and write in a wide range of fiction and nonfiction. The variety of our interests will ensure you always find something useful here.


We welcome you as you join us on this journey. Pull up a chair, grab your favorite beverage, and sit with us for a chat or three. Then get up and conquer your mountain step by step.

Onward and Upward!
Alice Briggs
Creative Director, Indie Author Magazine

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