Christmas Morning Tradition: Letters from Santa

One of my favorite parts of Christmas morning has always been reading the letter Santa Claus leaves for me and my siblings.

My parents started the tradition when I was around five years old. Every year, we’d wake up to a letter that talked about everything we’d each accomplished that year and how proud we’d made our parents. I remember when I was younger, I would sneak out of bed and try to read it before anyone else, glancing only briefly at the presents under the tree before shining a flashlight across the official-looking “From the Desk of Santa Claus” letterhead. It was—and still is—my favorite of our family traditions around the holidays, and now that I know it’s my dad adopting the pen name, it only feels more special.

One thing I like most about these letters is the chance to reminisce and reflect. In all the rush of the holiday season, it’s easy to look past just how much you’ve accomplished in the past year. That’s why this month, I wanted to share my family’s holiday tradition with you. Besides, I might not have access to the North Pole’s fancy stationery, but what kind of journalist would I be if I weren’t willing to share a message from an important public figure with our readers?

“Indie author, what a year it’s been! Bringing new books to life for your readers, connecting with other authors at conferences, teaching yourself how to use new platforms and technology. You’ve taken on about as much work as me this year, and that’s saying something, ho ho ho! The elves tell me you’ve been working hard on some new story ideas as well. I hope you’re not planning on making things too difficult for your characters. I don’t know if we can take another cliffhanger like that last one! On a serious note, I know the work can be frustrating and stressful at times, but always remember, you’re chasing your dreams and proving yourself to the world. Writing isn’t easy, but that’s even more reason to be so proud of what you’ve accomplished. Your readers adore your books—I wish I could show you just how many are already wrapped and waiting in my sleigh!—and we can’t wait to see what you have in store next year.”


From all of us at Indie Author Magazine, have a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year.

Nicole Schroeder

Editor in Chief

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