Op-Ed/Letters to the Editor

Without Ethical Standards AI Poses Risks to the Creative Industry As co founder of the Future of Publishing Mastermind people ask me about artificial intelligence AI a lot Since I ve been on several panels extolling the dangers of AI in creative industries people think that I m a Luddite nbsp However that couldn t be further from the truth hellip

How These Tools Became My Secret Weapon Concerning Frustrating Scary Terrifying Horrifying These are all words I ve seen used to describe writing with AI in the last week alone If anyone knows how to use words to rile up the author world it s fellow authors right But here are some other words I ve used to hellip

NaNoWriMo has begun Merri Maywether It is 11 59 p m on October 31st Around the world people are nestled in the safety of their homes Stacks of candy collected in festive looking bags and decorative bowls At midnight none of that is important Because thousands of writers around the world have touched pen to paper finger hellip

Prepare yourself for the marathon that is NaNoWriMo To many people October is pumpkin spice cable knit sweater and soup season In the NaNoWriMo community October is drum roll Preptober In the weeks and days leading up to NaNoWriMo a lot of us are getting our stories and lives in order Large chunks of time and hellip

One of the best things about the indie author community is that it is first and foremost a community It s unique because in the strictest sense we aren t competing with one another We can collaborate and satisfy the needs of our readers through the power of cooperation A rising tide truly does raise all boats Because hellip

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