Angie Martin

Angie Martin

Award-winning author Angie Martin mentors authors, leveraging her criminal justice background. She writes thrillers and horror, directs interactive mysteries, and resides in rural Tennessee.

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Writing & Mental Health: Challenges & Opportunities

Mental Illness in Writers and Creative Artists According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), one in five adults in the US have experienced mental illness at some point in their life. Writers and other creative types, however, suffer at much greater rates than the average American. Over a...

Boost Manuscript Diversity: 5 Tips for Indie Authors

Writing about Other Cultures: A Delicate Balance Writing about topics that do not belong to your culture can be tricky. In today’s society, writers venturing into those areas are sometimes worried about being accused of cultural appropriation or the use of topics from other cultures for gain or profit...

Avoid Wandering Body Parts in Your Writing

“Your eyes touch me physically.”—“The Warrior,” performed by Scandal, written by Holly Knight and Nick Gilder Oh, the amazing wandering body parts. The absolute horror inflicted upon readers as eyes fly, hands inch around, and hearts roam the world. The term “wandering body parts” refers to the sentences in...

Chronic Illness Writing: Self-Care & Productivity Tips

Writing with chronic illness looks much different than writing without—and so does self-care. We often think of self-care as what we see prevalent in commercials or on the internet: spa days, vacations, etc. While these are nice, self-care for the chronically ill takes on a much simpler plan. It...

Psychological Thriller Writing: Mastering Reader Engagement

The Psyche of a Psychological Thriller Angie Martin We’ve all heard of Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train, and Shutter Island, among others. We open the front cover of those heart-pounding, nail-biting books with trepidation and shaking fingers as tension floods our veins. We know we’ll be...

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