Ten Tips

Ten Tips45

Quick, actionable advice is at your fingertips with ten tips in each issue, focusing on different aspects of writing, publishing, and marketing to provide you with immediate takeaways.

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Kickstarter Tips for Indie Authors and Creators

Understanding Kickstarter: A Guide for Writers and Publishers Simply put: Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform. For those wondering what that means, crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people. If you’re like many folks, your knowledge of...

Pinterest Tips for Indie Authors Boosting Book Sales

Chelle Honiker Like many social media accounts, using Pinterest for business remains a mystery for many authors. Likely because they want to know the answer to one simple question: how will it sell more books? The answer is that while there is no magic formula, there are some basics to...

YouTube Marketing for Indie Authors: 10 Essential Tips

Understanding YouTube's Role for Authors When you hear the name “YouTube” you probably think more of videos than books, and even Google explains YouTube as “an online video sharing and social media platform.” Based on numbers alone, it should come as no surprise that a social media platform...

Discord Tips for Authors and Content Creators

Getting Started with Discord for Authors Discord is a multi-purpose chat app made popular by gamers that includes text, audio, and video. Available on all platforms and devices, it has quickly expanded to be one of the premiere locations for interacting with authors and readers. But for those accustomed to...

Optimize E-Book Marketing with BookFunnel Strategies

BookFunnel specializes in e-book and audio distribution. Authors can send e-books directly to readers’ preferred reading devices, collect email addresses, participate in group promotions, and more. BookFunnel has created tools that save authors time, facilitate reader engagement, and it prides itself on its customer support. 1. Delivering Your Reader Magnet...

Master Goodreads: Boost Your Author Profile

At its core, Goodreads is a social media platform. It lives for the interaction between its users. Yet authors aren’t as active as they need to be to get the most out of Goodreads. A recent survey showed that nearly half of all author profiles were out of date,...

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