Distribution Strategies and Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

Distribution, especially with the growing number of avenues available to indie authors, is an important decision for any author, no matter where you are in your career. As I’ve progressed through my author adventure, my decisions surrounding distribution have changed and adapted to fit my growing skill set and bandwidth for added complexity of my business. I’m always interested to hear what others are doing and why they have made their choices.

There are no right or wrong ways to distribute your books—there is only the best choice for you at this point of your career.

And, you can always change your mind, which is reassuring for me at least.

In the three feature articles this issue, I’m sure you’ll find some additional perspectives or strategies that you’ll want to try. If not now, then later when you’re ready.


I’m also excited for the series of articles on imposter syndrome we’ve begun in this issue. The imposter can be such a loud, obnoxious voice who derails you at every new venture. You’ll discover in the next few issues that it’s a liar and it can be beaten—and that it’s far more common than you may have realized.

Maybe the impostor has been what’s preventing you from trying a new distribution method, or exploring a new genre, or writing that nonfiction book on that thing people always ask for your help with. It’s normal to be afraid when doing something new. Just don’t let that fear, or the imposter, stop you from doing what you dream of doing.

Do it afraid, if you must, but do it!

Sending you courage,


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