Since Indie Author Magazine’s inception, we’ve tried to reflect what we’ve always believed about building a career as an indie author: that there’s no single “right” way to do it. We’ve always worked to ensure every author can see their journey somewhere within these pages, whether they choose to publish wide or remain exclusive to Amazon, whether they connect with readers on social media or at in-person events, and whether they are just starting their career or have a well-established back list and crowds of adoring readers. We’ve tried to include as many experiences as we can through the stories of the authors we feature on our covers and by sharing your questions with Indie Annie. 

As we celebrate our third year of publication in 2024, we want to share even more author voices with you. Beginning in this issue, we’ve turned our regular column pages into rotating, multi-part series, to spotlight even more authors’ insights on a variety of topics. If you read our magazine regularly, you’ll already have seen some messages from Joe Solari, of Author Nation, on creating sustainable business strategies. This month, you’ll hear from Megan Haskell about the future of our industry and what opportunities it will create for your career.

Translations, the focus of this month’s issue, are all about giving more voices to your story in order to share it with more readers. We hope IAM can continue to offer the same for your author story. If you have an article you’d like to see in the magazine or a question to share with Indie Annie, please reach out! Submit ideas for articles you’d like to see at, and reach Indie Annie’s inbox at Finally, interact with us and other authors at We love hearing new voices and can’t wait to continue learning alongside you.

Nicole Schroeder

Editor in Chief

Picture of Nicole Schroeder

Nicole Schroeder

Nicole Schroeder is a storyteller at heart. As the editor in chief of Indie Author Magazine, she brings nearly a decade of journalism and editorial experience to the publication, delighting in any opportunity to tell true stories and help others do the same. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the Missouri School of Journalism and minors in English and Spanish. Her previous work includes editorial roles at local publications, and she’s helped edit and produce numerous fiction and nonfiction books, including a Holocaust survivor’s memoir, alongside independent publishers. Her own creative writing has been published in national literary magazines. When she’s not at her writing desk, Nicole is usually in the saddle, cuddling her guinea pigs, or spending time with family. She loves any excuse to talk about Marvel movies and considers National Novel Writing Month its own holiday.

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