wide for the win

Wide for the Win: Strategies to Sell Globally via Multiple Platforms and Forge Your Own Path to Success

By Mark Leslie Lefebvre

Arguably the gold standard when discussing distribution and platforms. Mark Leslie Lefebvre articulately breaks down each concept with skill and his signature humor and gentility. Drawing on his experience working for heavy-hitters Kobo and Draft to Digital, as well as his own experience as an indie author, his book deftly expands the indie author’s viewpoint to explore what’s possible with other distributors. What’s most helpful are the case studies, which include sharing his own numbers as both social proof and a delightful open conversation with the reader. He offers counterpoints to ensure the reader can make an informed decision and challenges the author to see what’s possible, backing up each of his engaging points with rock-solid examples of revenue.

get your book selling wide

Get Your Book Selling Wide: Get the Basics of Publishing in Print, Ebook, Audiobook, Translations, Apps, and More

By Monica Leonelle

Monica Leonelle’s ambitious Book Sales Supercharged delivers on every promise superbly in the first two installments. In Get Your Series Wide, she lays the groundwork for the known players much like Wide for the Win, and then tackles audiobooks, serialized fiction and fiction apps, and translations.

Get Your Book Selling on Apple Books Book Sales

Cover Your Book: An Author's Guide to Working with a Designer to Maximize your Sales

By Monica Leonelle

In the recently released Get Your Book Selling on Apple Books, she maintains the same clear and actionable style, summarizing the basics but then expertly explaining metadata, merchandising, and algorithms. Leonelle is an authoritative voice in the indie author community and writes from an immersive standpoint on why you should be ‘aggressively wide’, with straightforward strategies authors can replicate and use as a shortcut in their own careers.

Your Book in Bookstores ALLis Guide to Print Distribution for Authors Publishing Guides

Your Book in Bookstores: ALLi’s Guide to Print Distribution for Authors

This skillfully written guidebook serves as both cautionary tale and practical advice for indie authors hoping to find their tomes in bookstores. It bills itself as a reality check on the feasibility of selling self-published books in physical locations, providing pragmatic insight. It's broad advice covers basics like the benefits of physical bookselling, and steps indie authors through a pro/con list for going wide. Offering many case studies, it’s a smooth read for any author considering expanding their backlist and future list into print.

Choose the Best Self Publishing Services ALLis Guide to Assembling Your Tools and Your Team Publishing Guides

Choose the Best Self-Publishing Services: ALLi’s Guide to Assembling Your Tools and Your Team

A thorough guide to finding a team and avoiding the pitfalls that are rampant within our industry, explaining how to find professional assistance in editorial design, production, distribution, marketing, promotion, and rights licensing areas.

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Indie Author Tools

Indie Author Tools is a directory of all the helpful assets indie authors can use to elevate their careers. Submit a tool at Indie Author Tools.

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I’ve just hired a new cover designer for my series, but English is not their first language. I want to make the process run smoothly. Any tips for working around a language barrier? Lost in Translation Dear Lost in Translation, Oh, poppet, collaborating across cultures can feel as daunting as decoding hieroglyphics! But with patience and open communication, you can transcend language barriers. View this as a thrilling expedition with your design sherpa! What you

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In the past, I’ve hired editors, cover designers, and even a virtual assistant. Passing off those responsibilities makes sense, but internal formatting always seems so straightforward. At what point is it worth investing in professional formatting services? Frugal Formatter Dear Frugal, Oh my, that moniker sounds like you’re an inhabitant of Middle Earth, but I digress. Formatting your own manuscript seems as simple as building a bookcase from IKEA: just insert tab A into slot

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