Corner the Market

Steve Higgs According to Book Report, my top-line sales income from last year was $1,724,509.13. Except it wasn’t. The $1.7 million is the bulk of it, but audiobook sales, global paperback sales through IngramSpark, KDP All-Star bonuses, and other income streams all add to make the number roughly $2 million for 2023. My top-line income […]

Steve Higgs Free: what a wonderful word. Most of the time, when I sell a book, it costs me something. I advertise on Facebook, Amazon, and BookBub and pay to promote my books on subscription services such as Written Word Media and The Fussy Librarian. That costs me money, but that’s okay because I have […]

Steve Higgs The ever-elusive BookBub Featured Deal: with all the work some authors will put in to land one, it’s easy for anyone new to the tool to wonder if they’re truly worth the hype. But whether you have never applied for a BookBub Featured Deal or applied, didn’t get one, and have long since […]

The Facebook pixel—recently renamed the Meta pixel—is a small piece of JavaScript code you can place on your website. The pixel gives you insights into how your audience interacts with your Facebook Ads. It also provides data on how Facebook users behave on your website after they click on an ad.Now, that might read like […]

Writing a book’s blurb is one of the first steps in book marketing and one authors love to lament. You have to boil your entire book down into a few punchy lines that will entice the reader without giving away the story and somehow leave them with a desperate need to know more.  The amazing […]

There are many people who don’t make it in this industry. Many, if not most, fall by the wayside because they give up, not because they cannot succeed. Yes, I made it, but that is only because I refused to be beaten as I climbed the mountain. When I published my first book, it was […]

Plenty of indie authors tout the magic of BookBub for its Featured Deal promotions. These elusive deals can help spike sales, of course, but they’re not the only way BookBub can help you find new readers. When it comes to advertising, you may think BookBub ads are only for books that are free or $0.99. […]

Low-Cost Alternatives to Paid Advertising I focus a lot on paid advertising because that is where the real money is to be made. Paid advertising is highly scalable, so you can grow your income with it, especially on Facebook. But for those starting out, the question is often, “What can I do for free?” It’s […]

Ad platforms like Facebook and Amazon may be a great option for making money as an author, but they’re far from the only ones. With the right strategy, paid promotions can lead to impressive sales as well. If you’re not sure what I am talking about, paid promotion differs from advertising on platforms such as […]

Amazon Attribution Links Remove the Guesswork from Your Ad Campaign One ads strategy I typically recommend involves running multiple ads to determine which will resonate with the audience. I spend some money and sell some books, but if I have five ads for the same book, how do I know which one is making the […]

I have spoken about marketing many times at conferences, and one subject always gets discussed: money.  Most of the authors I meet don’t have a lot of it to throw around, and when they run a few ads and see their hard-earned cash vanish without generating any sales, it makes them not want to spend […]

As we’ve explored the ins and outs of making Facebook Ads work for you, I’ve explained how to set up ads that will reach the highest number of interested readers and how to choose images that will grab their attention as they scroll. This time, we need to examine the copy and headline. Figure 1 […]

The Art of Successful Ads Steve Higgs For some, Facebook advertising can be a hole into which they pour money with little or no return. For others, and I’m one of them, it is the source of a fortune. You have to invest your money to find the things that work. That’s scary, but when […]

Facebook’s advertising platform is, I would argue, the easiest ads platform to learn and the easiest to scale. You can spend a small amount of money and start selling books on the same day.  If you get it right.  Alternatively, you can hand your money over to Facebook in exchange for nothing. We want to […]

It is better to focus on selling the books you have written than it is to write the next book.  How’s that for a controversial statement? Obviously, if you have only one or two books under your belt, it probably won’t hold true. However, for those working on their second trilogy or with a backlist […]

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