Gill Fernley

Gill Fernley

Gill Fernley writes humorous romance fiction under various pen names. She's a freelance content writer, cake decorator, shoe hoarder, and loves procrastibaking and dry humor.

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Book Formatting Tips for Indie Authors

Gill Fernley Your book is finally finished, and it’s been edited to within an inch of its life. But you’re not quite ready to publish yet. As well as a quality, genre-specific cover, you’re going to need to get your book formatted for every way you want...

Perfect Book Blurb Writing: Tips for Indie Authors

Gill Fernley When it comes to the back cover blurb, many authors think they have to summarize their entire ninety-thousand-word novel in just a few lines. But a successful blurb is not meant to be a summary of your novel. It’s a sales pitch to nudge people into buying...

Virtual Book Launch Strategies for Indie Authors

Gill Fernley Launch parties aren’t just a fun way to celebrate your new book release; these events can also be a great way to gain new readers, grow your business, and boost your earnings. And they don’t always need a venue or complex setup. Authors can host virtual...

Legal Tips for Indie Authors Using AI Images

Note: The information provided here is not legal advice and should not be taken as such. It is meant for general education purposes only. With the right prompts from a human, AI image generators, such as Midjourney, DALL-E 2, and Stable Diffusion, can produce a wonderland of fantastical and beautiful...

Image Licensing Guide for Indie Authors

Breaking Down the Complicated Lingo of Image Licensing Note: The information provided here is not legal advice and should not be taken as such. It is meant for general education purposes only. Furthermore, these definitions are always subject to change; be sure to do your research and consult legal professionals...

Hire Help to Grow Your Author Business Efficiently

Is It Time to Hire Outside Help to Keep Your Author Business Running? If only we really could buy time back when we needed it, life as an author would be so much easier. Sadly, we’re still stuck with twenty-four hours in a day, like everyone else. And, of...

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