I have a new analogy I’d like to share this month. Indulge me as I rock this newborn while her exhausted parents try to get a nap.

When you become a grandparent, the universe upgrades your operating system with a new app called “Been There Done That.”

It pulls the most obscure memories out of your brain’s deep freeze related to how you did things with your kids. You’re now able to confidently say, “Oh, yes, that’s normal. You did that.” or, “Hmm ... I went through that with your sister. The urge to scream will pass. Hang in there.”

Voila! You managed to keep them alive, so now you’re an expert on all things parenting. You’re wise. Seasoned. You know things.


When we pursue a career as an indie author, we’re like new parents. We don’t know anything, and it seems as overwhelming as a 3 a.m. feeding with a screaming baby.

Luckily, this is a generous industry, with a lot of folks who have the “Been There Done That” app installed. They’re ready and willing to share their stories of what worked and what didn’t so no one has to go it alone.

You’re learning and growing. Every new thing brings more knowledge.

You’ll find a lot of that wisdom tucked into every article. Soak it up. You’ll find your brain’s operating system upgraded in no time as you too start to know things. Then you’ll be able to help another indie on their journey.

To Your Success,


Chelle Honiker, Publisher

Indie Author Magazine

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