Ten Tips

Ten Tips43

Quick, actionable advice is at your fingertips with ten tips in each issue, focusing on different aspects of writing, publishing, and marketing to provide you with immediate takeaways.

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Email Subject Line Tips for Indie Authors

Email Marketing Tips for Authors Aside from writing and publishing a new book, email marketing is often touted as the key to many authors’ success. Whether you send regular emails weekly or monthly or use list-building tactics like newsletter swaps, group promos, and reader magnets, there’s little point in...

Email Newsletter Ideas for Indie Authors

Newsletter Content Tips Aside from book updates, newsletter swaps, and group promos, you might struggle to keep coming up with fresh content ideas for your newsletter. You will need to take time to figure out what your audience responds to and to build a relationship with them so you learn...

BookBub Success: Strategies for Indie Authors

Unlocking BookBub: Strategies for Authors No doubt you’re reading this, hoping we’ll divulge the ultimate secret to getting accepted for a BookBub Featured Deal. And of course, we’re going to talk about it. But there’s far more to BookBub than just that. 1) Snag a BookBub...

Boost Book Sales: Facebook Marketing for Authors

Facebook Tips for Authors Facebook can be a great place for authors to meet and get to know other authors and readers. It’s easy to post and to add a variety of information to your posts, including emoticons, photos, and videos, how you’re feeling and what you’re...

Kickstarter Tips for Indie Authors and Creators

Understanding Kickstarter: A Guide for Writers and Publishers Simply put: Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform. For those wondering what that means, crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people. If you’re like many folks, your knowledge of...

Pinterest Tips for Indie Authors Boosting Book Sales

Chelle Honiker Like many social media accounts, using Pinterest for business remains a mystery for many authors. Likely because they want to know the answer to one simple question: how will it sell more books? The answer is that while there is no magic formula, there are some basics to...

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