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Defining Author Success Beyond Profits

Not everything needs to be measured in terms of money. Jac Harmon When you think about success, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it money, fame, and being able to quit the day job? Or is it something else? Maybe it’s your novel for sale...

Micro-Goals for Indie Author Success

Using Micro-Goals to Achieve Your Macro Dreams Robyn Sarty We often become overwhelmed when we focus on our big picture goals. But if we only consider what we accomplish each day, we’ll never know if we’re inching closer to our dream. Knowing both your micro- and macro-goals can...

Master Dictation for Fast Indie Author Success

We’ve all read that publishing fast can be one of the drivers for a successful indie publishing career. In fact, there are writers who consistently produce a book a month. But how do they do that? What single factor enables these people to write 80,000 words in four...

Build a Daily Writing Routine for Indie Authors

You have committed to writing a book, worked out the characters, what’s going to happen to them. The world is verdant and fleshed out in your head and you’re ready to write. But fifty thousand words feels like too much. You have a fulltime job, kids to feed...

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