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Author Nation: The Community That’s Changing the Indie Writing Game

Las Vegas is famous for its bright lights and vibrant energy, but it also proved to be the perfect backdrop for literary growth and meaningful connections at the inaugural Author Nation conference in November. As a first-time attendee of a weeklong writing conference of this kind, I was curious to...

Discover the Can't-Miss Indie Author Conferences of 2025

Whether it was the fond send-off for 20BooksTo50K® events with 20Books Sevilla or the thrill of the inaugural Author Nation event in Las Vegas, Nevada, 2024’s events calendar offered authors plenty of memorable moments. They also showcased revelations about advancements in the industry, with speakers highlighting trends in direct...

Indie Author Networking at Readercon 33: A Business Focus

Readercon 33 this past July was a standout Science Fiction convention, but it looked different and felt more intimate than any other typical Sci-Fi convention I’ve attended. There were no flashy costumes, sprawling vendor halls, or multimedia displays vying for attention. Instead, I was surrounded by people deeply engaged...

Worldcon 2024: A Business Perspective for Indie Authors

Panels I've always dreamed of going to Scotland. I am half Scottish yet have never visited the country, even though I've longed to see Edinburgh and Glasgow for myself. Both cities are rich in the celebration of the arts. Not to mention, many world-renowned poets and...

Indie Author Subscription Summit: Boost Your Writing Business

Day 1: For the Fans With only two days’ worth of content, speakers spent little time introducing the subscription model to attendees; day 1 of the summit dived straight into exploring a variety of subscription strategies. Ream co-founder Emilia Rose highlighted her subscription model centered on her characters and story...

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