Craig Martelle

Everyone is afraid of something. When it comes to your author career, there’s the fear that your book won’t be well received. That you’ll get bad reviews. That your brand will become tainted in some way. Pirates! There are a million things to send you into a dark corner, quaking.

Courage brings you back into the daylight because the rewards can be vast. Like the man in the arena, only you are in there, fighting. It’s easy for others to criticize, belittle, or demean when they risk nothing to do it. Complainers and whiners accomplish less, if anything at all.

Doers bear the burdens of a society of watchers. Stand up and be counted! Shout to all with ears to hear, “I’m an author.” There will be those who try to beat you down, but they’re not in the arena. If they are, they’ll only attack you because they fear you. Stand proud of who you are and what you are.


You are an author. You write books. There are many people who say they’re going to write a book but never do. It takes courage to put pen to paper and even more courage to publish it for anyone to see. You deserve praise.

You also have to know that it’s not your best work, not right away. Writing takes practice. It’s you against yourself. Write, and keep writing until you can say it’s your best work. Then sit back for a moment and enjoy the feeling. And get back to writing, with the courage of your convictions and the experience to know what’s best for your business.

Be the one in the arena, knowing that you’re competing no matter how much you may be afraid—whether you admit it.

You can’t win if you don’t play.

This was my last article for Indie Author Magazine. I hope you enjoyed the monthly column and wish you the best for a great future as an author.

Craig Martelle

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