As IAM Turns One, We’re Adding Something New

I have always seen IAM as an extension of the larger indie author community, born out of a group of international writers who met daily via Zoom and shared what they were doing to climb the mountain of success. Beyond the business chat between sprints, we also became bonded friends.

There would not be a magazine without the unconditional support, generosity, and genuine affection we’ve developed for one another.

And while I know it’s incredibly special, I realize that it’s not singular.

In the middle of a global phenomenon, authors around the world have formed and strengthened communities via Zoom, Slack, Discord, Clubhouse, TikTok, and other social media channels.


Every day, new authors are connecting with experienced authors and are learning from one another and supporting each other’s careers and lives.

This magazine was born out of those communities, and it’s why we work to amplify as many resources as possible, including books, software, websites, blogs, tools, and podcasts.

As I look at our industry today, I think of the African proverb, "If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together."

Later this summer, we’ll have several days of interactive presentations designed to help indie authors learn and evaluate the plethora of technology choices. We’ll ask the questions you would ask of the software providers, and we’ll break the geek-speak down into understandable language.

We call it the Author Tech Summit.

I’m excited to see ways we can help share more resources with the indie author community. It’s a particular passion of mine to see authors find innovative ways to learn and grow their careers.

If you’d like to learn more about ATS, we’ve built a dedicated website:

I hope we see you there, as we all “go together.”

To Your Success,


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