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Writing Careers: The Power of Partnership

For Three Authors and Their Partners, a Writing Career Offers a Chance to Show They Care In the solitary world of indie authorship, where the journey of crafting words into stories is often a lone endeavor, the role of a supportive partner becomes immeasurably valuable. Beyond the quiet hours spent...

Sustainable Author Careers: Avoid Burnout and Thrive

Having coached more than six thousand individual authors, I see burnout on a daily basis. The biggest cause of burnout in this industry is not overwork. It’s unrealistic expectations. Let’s look at the mental math involved. One work equals one outcome in our brains—sort of like how...

Creative Incubation vs. Procrastination for Writers

For Creatives, Doing ‘Nothing’ Can Be Essential to the Process Can you tell the difference between wasting time and giving an idea space to develop? Creativity coach and poet Mark McGuinness has a simple rule of thumb. “Procrastination happens before hard work,” he writes in his book Productivity for Creative...

Therapeutic Journaling: A Business Boost for Indie Authors

Now that we’re more than six months in, can you say you charged into this year replenished and ready? With a barrage of external stressors, including political divisiveness, inflation, weather-related tragedies, and health concerns, it would be easy to guess that affirmative answers to that question are low. Compound...

Connect with Readers: Sharing Life Beyond Books

When Building a Relationship with Your Fans, It’s OK to Share About Life Beyond Your Books Authors everywhere want fans to love and purchase their books. We spend every day marketing our books to readers and potential readers, but sometimes we forget we need to market ourselves to our...

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