Business, Finance & Strategy

Business, Finance & Strategy66

Tailored for authors who want to excel in the business side of writing, this section will provide valuable insights into managing strategic decisions, as well as the the financial and contractual aspects of your writing career.

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Book Pricing Tips for Indie Authors by Genre

Do Authors’ Ideal Pricing Strategies Vary by the Genre They Write? Most pricing strategists tell indie authors to write in a genre that sells well and price competitively. But for new authors and those switching genres, choosing how to price your book may not feel that simple. Factors like publishing...

Direct Sales Platforms for Indie Author Success

Four Direct Sales Platforms to Match Your Business Needs Jenn Lessmann The “Rumours” are true. Indie authors can earn more revenue and drive better engagement through direct sales. And as indie authors increasingly look to expand their reach through wide publication, it makes sense to consider following Fleetwood Mac’s...

Publishing Wide Strategies for Indie Authors

Indie Author Magazine: How will the strategy of publishing wide play a part in the future of the industry? Mark Leslie Lefebvre: How will the strategy of publishing wide play a future in the publishing industry? Well, publishing wide is what the publishing industry has always been about. It'...

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