Indie Author Magazine and Alliance of Independent Authors Announce Groundbreaking Collaboration

April 26, 2024

**Indie Author Magazine and Alliance of Independent Authors Announce Groundbreaking Collaboration**

In a significant development for the self-publishing community, Indie Author Magazine and the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) have announced a new collaboration set to bring a wealth of resources and benefits to members of both organizations.

As part of the partnership, Indie Author Magazine will provide subscriptions to all ALLi Members, offering them exclusive articles and information tailored to their needs. This initiative marks a significant step in supporting authors in their self-publishing journey.

Additionally, ALLi will become a featured monthly columnist in Indie Author Magazine, bringing expert insights and guidance to the magazine’s audience. This arrangement underlines the commitment of both organizations to provide valuable content and support to independent authors.

Chelle Honiker, publisher of Indie Author Magazine, expressed her enthusiasm for the collaboration. “We are thrilled to be accepted into the ALLi Partner program,” she said. “This collaboration not only signifies our shared commitment to serving the self-publishing community but also allows us to leverage our strengths to bring more value to our members. Working together with ALLi, a respected voice in the industry, reinforces our dedication to empowering authors with knowledge, resources, and community support.”

“The Alliance of Independent Authors is delighted to welcome the premier US magazine for self-publishing authors as a partner member,” said Orna Ross, founder-director of ALLi. “And we very much appreciate the generous free subscription for our author members. IAM and ALLi share a commitment to author education, so we are also delighted to contribute a monthly feature to the magazine. We look forward to a long and mutually rewarding partnership ahead.”

This collaboration between two of the most trusted voices in the self-publishing community represents a significant milestone. It promises to enhance the resources available to independent authors and contribute to their success in the dynamic world of self-publishing.

For more information, please contact Elaine Bateman, Partner Relationship Manager for Indie Author Magazine.

Elaine Bateman
Partner Relationship Manager
Indie Author Magazine

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Indie Annie

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