In the past, I’ve hired editors, cover designers, and even a virtual assistant. Passing off those responsibilities makes sense, but internal formatting always seems so straightforward. At what point is it worth investing in professional formatting services?

Frugal Formatter

Dear Frugal,

Oh my, that moniker sounds like you’re an inhabitant of Middle Earth, but I digress. Formatting your own manuscript seems as simple as building a bookcase from IKEA: just insert tab A into slot B, right? A practical task any common or garden hobbit could master. But that DIY approach can leave your literary furnishings looking a bit, shall we say, homely? Let's review when it pays to hire a professional carpenter versus handling the handiwork yourself.


For simple structures like novellas or nonfiction, your homemade formatting may suffice. Bold chapter heads, page numbers, basic styling—these are achievable weekend projects for industrious authors willing to learn. But for complex novels brimming with plot twists and intricate world-building, you may want to consider hiring a master carpenter. Professionals with eagle eyes for detail can elevate your presentation from mundane to majestic. 

Formatting fiction requires particular finesse, and dialogue formatting, scene breaks, and clever use of white space take skills that DIYers may lack. Your end table may have worked fine with one or two screws left over, but skipping any formatting steps when constructing your finished book could result in a disjointed reading experience. Don’t allow lackluster layouts to overshadow brilliant prose. It’s okay to let those in the trade handle the meticulous finishing. 

Most importantly, labor should lift your spirits, not drain them. As Irish playwright and critic George Bernard Shaw said, “Nothing is worth doing unless the consequences may be serious.” Shoddy formatting has real consequences for readership enjoyment, and tedious tasks can also kill your writer spirit. If you enjoy these tasks and want to develop your skill set, that’s great. But there's no shame in seeking help.

For standard digital and print distribution, DIY formatting may suffice if you invest time honing those skills or have a program that can handle the basics. But for special editions sold directly through your website or other exclusive projects, a professional's expertise can vastly elevate your presentation. Imagine offering signed copies of a new release with a stylish print layout. What about bundling an e-book with a print companion book designed with gorgeous aesthetics? Limited-run hard copies with bonus materials like author notes and illustrations require creative layout mastery. Let a pro handle minute details like embellished drop caps, ornate frames, and other touches readers crave on prized editions. 

Particularly for debut authors, presentation matters immensely when introducing your work to readers. You may choose to distinguish yourself from the masses with imaginative formatting that captivates fans, or you may want someone with more expertise to walk you through the process and everything you need to consider the first time through it. Of course, Frugal, it sounds like you’ve published before, but even for passion projects close to your heart, you may want to bring in a master carpenter so the construction matches the quality of the content. Then you can focus your creative energies on the writing craft itself. Together, you can construct literary architecture built to last!

If you do decide to hire a professional formatter for your next work, there are a few best practices to note. When hiring formatters, ask to see samples of previous work. Request a style guide outlining their process. Explain exactly what you want: print layouts, e-book files, etc. Ask how many rounds of changes are included. Be very clear on needs before starting. 

Provide excerpts for them to demonstrate their ability. If the sample dazzles you, they likely have the skills you need to elevate your whole book. 

Formatting partnerships require trust and communication. Voice concerns promptly if work underwhelms. A true professional welcomes constructive feedback for improvement.

In summary, you ask if hiring an experienced formatter is worth the money, and my answer, dear one, is that it is if it will save you valuable writing time, and/or will help your books stand out in a crowded market, and/or you want to treat your fans to limited and special editions. Do the math. It may also be worth it purely for its aesthetic appeal and how it makes your hobbit heart flutter. Imagine the joy of holding a beautifully formatted special edition in your hands. Sound good? Then it’s worth it.

Happy writing,

Indie Annie


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