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Jenn Lessmann

Jenn Lessmann

Jenn Lessmann, author of "Unmagical," writes snarky paranormal fantasy. A former teacher and stage manager, she loves caffeine, late nights, and exploring witchcraft in her writing.

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Pigeonhole's Innovative Book Marketing for Indie Authors

Reader Experience On The Pigeonhole, readers choose from a library of classics and new releases, sign up for a club or solo experience, and receive installments of a story, called staves, through the app on a prearranged schedule. Readers who join a club already in progress, or who struggle to...

Understanding US vs UK School Systems for YA Fiction Writers

The Similarities and Differences between US and UK Schools that May Show Up in Your Manuscript School is back in session, and for authors who write YA in academic settings, inspiration may be at the bus stop right outside your door. But if your story has dark academia tropes, light...

Natalia Hernandez: From Viral Skits to Bestselling Author

Natalia Hernandez Followed the Oral Traditions of Her Ancestors into a Successful Author Career Bestselling Fantasy author Natalia Hernandez writes magical Latin American-inspired novels for both YA and adult audiences. But until recently, if you wanted to hear her stories, you had to follow her on TikTok. As a third-culture...

Local Event Marketing Tips for Indie Authors

Jenn Lessmann One of the first rules of marketing any indie author learns is to identify your ideal reader. You build an avatar of the person you’re writing for: their age, gender, socioeconomic status, interests, habits, and anything else you can think of that will help you visualize and...

AI Marketing Strategies for Indie Authors

Using Generative AI Since you may already be familiar with ChatGPT—I gave you ten tips for writing better prompts last year—here are some ways to use it for marketing, recommended by Book Launchers in a blog post for IngramSpark. Try uploading your manuscript and asking the AI to...

Magical Realism: Blending Fantasy with Realism

Exploring the Fantastic in the Mundane with the Magical Realism Genre Jenn Lessmann An old man with giant, feathered wings is discovered lying face-down on the ground, and the whole town comes out to see him—until a carnival arrives, and they lose interest. For a moment, Gabriel Garcia Marquez’...

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